Monday, September 10, 2007

Tech lab entry #1

Date: Monday, 2007, September 10th

When I originally joined this course, it was to learn how to dismantle, repair, and generally mess around with computers. Now that the class has actually started, it's looks like it's going to be much more extensive then I orginally thought, what with talks about installing linux on Xboxs, lan partys, and nagging the principal to install windows XP on the computers. (Although it would only be good for the planning classes) Hopefully my game know-how will prove useful, thanks to that fact that I know dozens of online and download games that prove perfect to run on these unweildy and slow clunkers. I just hope people don't notice my general lack of knowledge in what peices go where, or even what they're named. What I know, I have a good knowledge of, unfortunetly, thats not as expansive as I would like. Hopefully this class will remedy that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Luc:

Nice first assignment.

Sorry, but I don't know what happened.

Anyway, your score is 5/5.
